
The Torso Rotation Test

Test Objective for Torso Rotation Test

The Torso Rotation Test checks the player’s ability to rotate the upper body independently from the lower body. This is an important skill for properly sequencing the backswing and generating a good separation or coil. This movement requires good mobility of the thoracic spine, and simultaneous stability of the lower body.

How to Perform the Torso Rotation Test

Begin by having the player assume a normal five-iron posture, with their arms crossed over their shoulders. Feet should be approximately shoulder width apart and the hands should be resting on the front of each shoulder. Once they are in position, tell them to not move the lower body and try to rotate the upper body (the torso) back and forth. Look for any movement of the hips or extension and side bend of the thoracic spine versus rotation. Continue testing in both directions being sure to monitor the coordination of motion, as this is important in determining golf swing issues. A proper Torso Rotation Test will yield no motion below the waistline with only the thorax and shoulders rotating.

If they have difficulty performing this action, try to differentiate between a stability or mobility problem. Hold their pelvis stable for them and then have them try to rotate their upper body. If he still can’t separate they have a mobility problem, if he can separate it is a stability problem. 

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